Who? My name is Gašper and @gasper.ahacic is my personal profile, where I post my everyday adventures. I come from Bled, town surrounded by mountains and this is where my passion for hiking and trail-running comes from. Since I love mountains so much I created a second profile on Instagram, dedicated to mountains; @themountainfreak.
But this are not the only two sports I love; As a former professional swimmer I still like to make kilometer or two in the pool:) I’m not professional photographer … heck … I don’t even own professional camera, so all my photos are taken by my mobile Sony Xperia Z3 Compact and SJ4000HD action camera. Even though I don’t have any special equipment (compared to others) you can be surprised what you can do simply – using a mobile phone:)
Why Instagram? Instagram is my favourite application for mobile. It’s not hard fall in love with Instagram, mostly because it has awesome community, where people encourage each other and they motivate you to be better.
What can I show you in Slovenia? Well – as I told you – I come from Bled and I can show you around, but my favourite spot for taking photos are the mountains, where I can enjoy the views, relax from everyday problems and meet some nice people too. So – if you are interested in mountains – let me know!