Ambassadors of #CentralSlovenia
Winner of the Share Your Postcards from #CentralSlovenia Challenge will take over a selection to posting features @igslovenia for a week. There is almost 2.000 photos tagged #centralslovenia, a plentiful collection of postcards to share with your friends.
Purpose of the challenge is to raise awareness of the many beautiful spots just around the corner from Ljubljana. We can be successful in fulfilling this task only with the help of you hence we decided to award the most active supporters as Ambassadors who will also receive an exclusive, limited edition T-shirt!
What qualifies you for an Ambassador of #CentralSlovenia? It is simple:
- follow @igslovenia and @visitljubljana on Instagram
- post your photos from Central Slovenia – the more you post, bigger are your chances to win a T-shirt
- share featured photos or tagged photos with your friends – tag them in comments, invite them somewhere.
First Ambassador we announced a while ago is @mihapongrac (Miha Pongrac) followed by Uroš Abram @uabram . They have both shared many photos from the area, Uroš has also been featured.
Following their steps are @peterpancur Peter Pančur and @sasacrocy.loves with a great collections of Central Slovenia posts, @lukaesenko (Luka Esenko) and Jan Čermelj @jancermelj both already with a double feature, Ana Pogačar @anapogacar and Iztok Medja .
We know that some people don’t have photos from Central Slovenia, but they support the campaign by sharing photos and, above all, sharing the vibe! Manuel Wolf @manuelo_bo and @hairhoppers_010 are just two of them.
The second set of ambassadors, awarded by exclusive T-shirts as follows:
@dejkovski and @jakaskrlep have shared many different locations and have both been featured already; this is valid also for @dreamypixels whose time lapse of clouds over Velika planina was the very first video we have ever posted on Instagram. Great collections of photos from Central Slovenia which bring them an Ambassador title have also @valentina_plahuta, @denissimcic, @bojanaklemenc.bofit, @ines_loveslife and @silva.abram , Valentina and Bojana also with a feature. Congratulations!
Update 2
In the last part of the challenge the Ambassador title and a T-shirt go to:
@gregorkacin has shown us many different parts of Central Slovenia and he was also featured. Very active contributors who shared their photos were also @mybluedragoness, @lukakotnikphoto, @lukezifoto, @pjsmooth77 and @mancakorelc.
Thank you all for your support!