
Instagram od A do … (delavnica za vse, ki ste že aktivni na Instagramu)

Ste navdušeni uporabniki Instagrama, a nikoli niste povsem zadovoljni z objavljenimi fotografijami? Si želite več komentarjev in več sledilcev? Vas zanima, kako se fotografije znajdejo med TOP 9 ali kako veliki profili izbirajo svoje objave? Si želite svojo fotografijo videti na Igslovenia? Vas zanima uporaba Instagrama v poslovne namene?

Če ste vsaj enkrat prikimali, potem ste toplo vabljeni na naslednjo Instagram delavnico, ki jo tokrat pripravlja ustanoviteljica profila @igslovenia, Sanja Leban Trojar, dolgoletna instagramerka (@sanya_lt), poznavalka družbenih omrežij in mobilne fotografije.

Preverili bomo, kaj je to ‘dobra’ Instagram fotografija, katere ključne besede in kako uporabljati, kdaj in koliko objavljati ter najpomembnejše, kako povedati svojo (foto) zgodbo. Našteli bomo napake, ki jih uporabniki Instagrama najpogosteje delamo, iskali primere dobrih praks in se spoznali z (mobilnimi) aplikacijami, ki nam uporabo Instagrama močno olajšajo.

Delavnica je namenjena vsem, ki Instagram že poznate in uporabljate za osebne ali poslovne namene. Govorili bomo namreč tudi o uporabi t.i. business’ profilov in njihovi povezavi z drugimi družbenimi omrežji.

Delavnica traja 2 uri, število mest pa je omejeno! Cena delavnice je 60 evrov. V kolikor z delavnico ne boste zadovoljni, vam denar vrnemo.

Več informacij in prijava: Ne pozabite navesti povezave do vašega Instagram profila in morebitnih vprašanj za predavateljico, da boste na delavnici dobili vse povratne informacije, ki jih potrebujete.

Termin: 22. 12. 2016 ob 18:00.
Lokacija: Tivolska 50 (2. nadstropje), Ljubljana

Lake Planšarsko jezero



I’ve seen this place on so many photos from Slovenia that I just had to see it. Since all the photos were amazing I was expecting something really spectacular. I was – disappointed. Don’t get me wrong. The place is amazingly beautiful but the lake itself is so small you can walk around it in 20 minutes. Twice! 🙂

Here is some information about it; “The little heart-shaped lake was made by local inhabitants in memory of a larger glacial lake that had drained away, and after which Jezersko got its name. It is a well visited spot and one could call it also a symbol of the area. In summer, it allows boating, in winter ice-skating. At the same time, it gives you a chance to enjoy tasty local food at the restaurant by the lake all year round.” (Taken from page where you can find more information about places nearby.)


Probably any time of the year is great to see this place, just keep in mind – in winter you will have to deal with some serious snow & ice! Any other time – you can leave your car just beside the lake, take a walk around it and snapp some photos. It will take you less than an hour … if you are really slow.

So – I would rather recommend you to park the car in the village Zgornje Jezersko and walk towards the lake. Nature in this part of Slovenia for sure deserves you take your time and you will be able to take some more amazing photos on the way. Also; you have to walk a little to really enjoy some local food or drinks in the restaurant beside the lake.

If you plan to visit this place and you have some more time check the page for some additional information & ideas where to go and what to see. If you have visited already feel free to leave us some tips/info/ideas in the comment section or send us your best photo to!





Ljubljana, 15. 11. 2015, @sanya_lt

Chiara was one of the first foreign Instagramers that I came across while searching through photos tagged #igslovenia. I was totally surprised by her love for Slovenia, her wish to learn Slovenian and her knowledge about Slovenia. So it only seemed right that I do my first Instagram interview with her. So … here we go:)


Can you present yourself? Who are you, where do you come from and what do you do?

I am Chiara Morini, 39 years old, and I come from Porto San Giorgio, a city in the central Italy, in the Marche region. I am a local web journalist and I update the social media channels of my municipality with photos and information about the events  in my city. This is my work & I love it!

Are you a professional or amateur photographer? What equipment do you use?

 I am an amateur photographer, but sometimes I have to be a photographer  for my work, so – you can call me ‘half-professional’:) I started working in the field of communication as web journalist and then slowly photography came into the picture, to illustrate my articles.

 After that I started working with social media and I got engaged with the world of photography. I bought a Canon EOS digital 1100D with a standard lens systems (18-55 mm). Then I bought a 55-250 mm  and a 10-18 mm. I also use my Iphone to take photos  and a Samsung Galaxy EK GC-100 camera.

my love for slovenia

What does photography mean to you? Can you describe us your photography style?

Well, if you ask me this two questions are connected.  Photography is … quite everything! I love taking  photos. I decided to become a journalists because I love to tell stories, to narrate what I see in the world. If I can tell something to someone with my keyboard, I can also make that with my camera.

No words, but images, like reportage. I try to make this when I take a photo: I narrate the reality, the life, I try to let the people live what I lived, to see what I saw, to make them feel what I felt while observing what I captured on my photo.  If am tired but I have to take photos in the theatre or at the concert for my work, I obviously go. And I come back relaxed! I love taking photos as well as I love writing. Personally I prefer some photography genres like macro photography, food & wine photography, animals, flowers & plants and monuments.

Let’s talk about Instagram … How did you end up on Instagram?

At first I checked it  just out of curiosity. I quickly realised it is good for me, it is what i like and also – I started to think that I can use Instagram for my work. Beside that, Instagram is really great for meeting people from all over the world.

I post on Instagram when there is something beautiful to show. I love to interact with other people, with you in Slovenia (I can keep in touch with your beautiful country and I see places I do not know yet!), but also here in Italy. Let me give the people my personal advice: Use hashtags on Instagram – to find best accounts that you will enjoy following and to show your photos to the Instagram world.


Do you also use Instagram in other (not only personal) projects? What about other social media?

I try to promote the use of Instagram also in my municipality. I created two profiles for my city; @psgculturaeculture (cultural events) & @portosangiorgiomeet (for tourism). 

I also use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, G+, tumit (that is an Italian social network for events). Occasionally I post on Flickr and Pinterest too. I am going to have my own web site and I’m just starting a new blog project.

It is not a social network but one photo-project I undertake for my city is “Virtour” (80% of the photos and texts are mine), a virtual tour in our city. 

Slovenia? How & when did you decide to visit? Why? What are your favourite places here? What would you say to a first time visitor – what is ‘a must see’ place in Slovenia?

The first time I came to Slovenia was 20 years ago! I had just finished my high school graduation exams (it was the first week of July) and I came to Kranjska Gora for a group tour. I was in a hotel in Gozd Martuljek and I saw many green and beautiful views.

However, the thing that really amazed me was your language: So few vowels, such beautiful sound. That is why I decided to try to learn it; I found a grammar and a dictionary and I started. It is not easy to do it on your own and it is not enough to spend just 10, 15 days a year in Slovenia. But, it was a start. During last year and thanks to Instagram,  – I made some progresses!

 I always come to the mountain region of Gorenjska: it is beautiful and there, I feel like being at home. From there I go to Ljubljana. It is so lovely, so beautiful, so… “Mine”! Your capital is one of my favourite places to take photos and to visit, but Kranjska Gora (and lake Jasna), Mojstrana, (I do not remember if I ever visited Dovje), Triglav, Bled, Brezje, Radovljca, Škofja Loka, Jesenice and the other  places are amazing too!

While staying in Slovenia I feel like home. And I do return every year! I will be back but until then;  Un saluto dall’Italia / Pozdrave iz Italije! / Greetings from Italy!

kranjska gora


Who? @sanya_lt, person behind the @igslovenia project; admin, moderator, copywritter, photographer … the one who checks all photos tagged #igslovenia (and #slovenia, and #slovenija, and #ljubljana, #maribor … well … you get the point:) I have been using Instagram for a while, mostly as an administrator or moderator for other Instagram profiles (hubs) such as Photowall, Photowall_daily, DOF_addicts and – Igslovenia:)

I started the @igslovenia project in september 2012 when I discovered there is no profile on Instagram that would show the beauty of our country. Today @igslovenia is almost my job (just – an unpaid one:)) since I manage this page, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook account, answer all of your questions, share Instagram tips & tricks and – my favourite part – I show Instagrammers around the country:)

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Why Instagram? Because I just love it!:) It is the best community for sharing photos, discovering new places and connecting with people from all over the world. I use it to capture my travels (mostly across Slovenia, but also Croatia and Europe) and to discover new places with local Instagramers. So – wherever I go, I try to find somebody to show me around. And whenever somebody visiting Slovenia asks me for help, I do everything I can to help. I’ve even created my own photo-sport:)) It is called #chasingthephotographer!

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What … can I do for you? I can help you build your Instagram account, I can answer your questions about Slovenia, I can show you my country from Piran to Bohinj, from Soča Valley to Prekmurje region. My favourite place (and the place I know everything about) is Soča valley  but since I do like to discover new places and i do this almost every day – I think I can easily say – Slovenia is my home and I can show you around.

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